Amazing Books to Buy
An exclusive variety of Instruction Books to Guide you on Your Journey to Health Wellness & Personal Development
Written Edited & Formatted by Katherina with Graphic Designs by Lina Milano

Books to Buy
Chakra Healing with Flowers with an accompanying set of 7 Chakra Cards
This book will give you detailed instructions on how to Meditate on each of the Chakra Centers focusing on the matching Card and Color
In it you will also find a list of flowers for each of the Energy Centers and additional information on making your own Infusions and clearing negative energies
Meditations and Self Healing Techniques
These guided Meditations have been specially chosen to assist you on your journey to a higher state of Conscious Awareness with a Special Section on Crystals
Astrology made Easy
A unique and Original approach to The Time Honored Art of Astrological Interpretation
Designed with "Easy to Follow Images" and Charting

This exclusive selection of books has been written edited and formatted by Katherina
giving you the benefit of her knowledge gained from 40 years of training research and study.
Chakra Healing with Flowers + 7 Chakra Cards
Meditations & Self Healing Techniques with a Special Section on Crystals
Astrology Made Easy for Beginners with lots of Easy to Follow Images, Explanations & Charting

Palmistry Analysis is not available - any interest please contact Katherina directly.
These books are available for purchase with Print on Demand
Make your choice and email Katherina for pricing which includes free delivery within Australia
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Delivery time is 2 weeks depending on location